Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The wake up snack
First you take out the bread, make sure it is not stale. Toast it and smell the smell of brunt bread, wait for the pop don’t be scared by the noise. Just get jam, made of grape, and while the toast cools down crack and egg on that pan. Take one more pan lay it down and grill up some ham. The smell of pig fills our house. I go to my room to get all set for school. Kind of late for school so I’m in a rush. I can’t wait to eat this meal I made. I walk back out and my pan was void of food. The toast, the eggs, and the ham were all gone. Crumbs on his face stood my mean Bro. with rage in my heart I knocked him out with one punch. Then I stole his cash and went to jack in the box.
The end

            This assignment was one of my favorite I teamed up with Garret for this one. It’s about a young man who was trying to get a healthy breakfast, but is sabotaged by his unkind older brother. In the end there is justification. Not only did it tell a descriptive story and entertaining, but every word in the story was one syllable.

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