Friday, May 10, 2013

14 to 15

  This poem was originally our picture poem. I based off a picture of a football player on his knees with his hands in his face crying, and behind stood a scoreboard with 14-15 in big bright numbers. I also play football. So it was very easy to put myself in his shoes. This poem is one of my favorites, I hope you enjoy

14 to 15

In my prim I had speed
Now my knee is shattered
At 18, all I have are my dreams
All those starts, no longer mattered
I let down my mom, I let down my team

14 to 15
This last game is what I need
It's a hunger
I need to too feed
For that last second of play
I'm on my knees in plead
It's my very last game

14 to 15
This shame hurts
My last name
Mouth full of dirt
I can’t believe it was my last game
Blood on my shirt
And still no fame

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