Wednesday, May 29, 2013

I wrote this play based off my Chris and Pat story. It was pretty cool to see how a couple of changes can take a useless piece, into a nice visual and soon to be published play. Thank all of you for the views it means a lot. Love you guys

Tooth Fairy
Chris, is a kindergarten heart breaker. He has big green eyes, short blonde hair and has never lost a tooth before. Chris bases most of what he knows off what he hears from his brother the fifth grader.
Pat, is a year older. He has brown eyes and brown hair. Pat is only at Chris’s house because their moms are best friends. Pat thinks he is a lot smarter than Chris and pat hates being wrong
Ben, is a fifth grader. He is Chris’s older brother and basically taught him everything he knows. He hates when pat comes over because they always end up fighting. But tolerates it because he gets money to babysit.
Act 1, Scene 1
Its 10:30 am, the sun is shining and the birds are chirping. Chris and Pat are in the living room while Ben is eating cereal in the kitchen

 ( Holding his mouth ) Ow my tooth. It fell out, quick get me some paper towels
( Pointing to the kitchen )
( Running Stage left ) No problem Pat.
( With blood all over his hands ) Eww bloods gross.
Well at least you’ll wake up with two dollars under your pillow
What are you stupid. ( Stands up moves stage right ) Even you should know she only leaves toothpaste under your pillow
WHAT! Are you talking about? ( Stands up )
What do you mean?

What do you mean? What do you mean!! ( Moves stage right )
You’re wrong
First off, he is a boy and second why would a fairy have toothpaste?
Why would a boy be a fairy?
Shut up, I want you to go home!
I want to go home
Mommas boy! Mommas boy! Mommas boy! Mommas boy! Mommas boy! Mommas boy!
You’re just mad that you’re stupid
No you are
Stop! ( Enters Stage left with bowl in hand ) if you really want to know whose right just stay up and wait for the fairy to show up

Act 1, Scene 2
It’s been a day since last time they’ve talked. The boys are back at bens house. Ben is in the living room. Chris and pat are in the kitchen eating muffins
Guess what?
I woke up with a one dollar and a toothbrush under my pillow
We were both right! Did you see if it was a guy or a girl?
I fell asleep
Dang I knew that was going to happen.
What is that mean
It means, if you want something done you got to do it yourself ( stands on table )
What are you doing
Im going to jump of the table, loose a tooth, stay up all night so I can prove once and for all I was right ( walks to the edge of table )
One, two thr-
( Runs in stage right ) STOP!! I’ve been listening to you guys all day. And your both wrong, the tooth fairy is fake! it’s just as trick moms and dads pull on little boys who don’t know any better.
( Looks at each other, start crying)


Friday, May 24, 2013

I originality wrote this in class. We were supposed to write about to people having a pointless argument. So I choose to write about the tooth fairy.

Tooth Fairy

 Chris and Pat sat there watching Saturday morning cartoons and eating massive bowls of coco puffs. Chris is in kindergarten. He’s never lost a tooth before and had based most of what he knows off what he hears from the boys on the playground. Pat is a year older. He loves chocolate milk and his favorite animal is a squirrel. He has a 12 year old brother named ben.

“Ow my tooth!” He screamed in pain. “It fell out; quick get me some paper towels”

“No problem Pat.”

“Ewe bloods gross.”

“Well at least you’ll wake up with two dollars under your pillow”

“What are you stupid?” He snarled at Chris. “Even you should know she only leaves toothpaste under your pillow”

“WHAT! Are you talking about?”

“What do you mean?”

“First off, she is a boy and second why would a fairy have toothpaste?”

“Why would a boy be a fairy?”

“Shut up I want to go home!”

“Mommas boy! Mommas boy!”

“AHHHHHHHH” as cries as he tackles Pat

The boys roll around for a bit. Until ben pulls them apart

“Stop!” ben yelled “I’ve been listening to you guys all day. And your both wrong, the tooth fairy is fake it’s just as trick moms and dads pull on little boys who don’t know any better. ”

This Memoir I wrote about buying new shoes. I love the smell of a new pair so much. That i wrote a poem about it. For me it’s just one of those things that can turn a bad day into a great day, and everyone needs a pair.

First and Favorite

When I got my first pair
They made feel taller than a grizzly bear
Faster than a snail
I was so darn happy
They were so hip and snappy
 Worth so much to me I’d never share

Couple months later the              
white turned yellow
Dirt and holes all around
every time I look down
It always left me with a frown                                                                                                                                  
This cruel world is unfair
But Moms didn't care
I needed new ones
I pleaded for new ones

Till the day
She says yes
I got any pair I wanted
I were so blessed
Running up and down the aisles
Is the part I love the best

But who would've guessed?
I picked the same pair with the bright white leather
and deep forest green accents
all because of the new show scent

I open my Eyes with glee
as I flip the shoe over
the best thing ever
 Happened to me
an orange tag greeted me
Smiling Saying buy one get one free

This poem is about a man explaining to his boss Blaine. Why it is never his fault he's late. And that time is out to get him. But in reality he's lazy and won’t take the blame. For his own mistakes


Time, it is nothing but a grind,
And it seems like every day
 Time can never wait
To make me late,
But I’ll tell you what
It’s probably fate,
Because you see
It is never my fault
Like today
The blame is on my dog,
He got lost in the fog
While we walked to the vet
 And there’s a pretty good bet
That someone took him
I remember his name was Jim
I stole his cat once it was dim
And I thought it was Kim
That’s my dog’s name
And anyway
Sorry Blaine  
But we both know who’s to blame 

I wrote this story about a boy named Evan. I met through school He’s in the first grade and one day he took a field trip to our school. Then we sat down and he told me all about his life. Using the things he told me I conducted this sweet story. 

Evan and the Helpful Hippo

Evan asked with a shining morning face, “Grandma, can we get a dog?”
“No honey, that's a lot of work you’re just not old enough.”

“Everyone says I'm not old enough. I wish there was a way I could show Grandma and the world how grown up I really am,” he said to his favorite hippopotamus toy.
“You’re right! Hippo I’ll get a job, that’s perfect!”
“Hey, Grandma is there any work I can do around the house, so I can show you I’m grown up enough for a dog and maybe earn a little money?”
“Yea, you can finish painting this shed for me. You have until tomorrow night to finish, and if you succeed I'll consider getting you that dog.”
“Thanks, Grandma.”
“This is boring,” Evan squawked after he had been hard at work painting for some time. “I wonder what's inside this shed. Sweet! There is an episode of Thomas and Friends playing, my favorite. But Hippo,  you’re right, I do need to paint this shed so I'll only watch two episodes then I’ll go back out and finish.”
“Morning Grandma. Is it ok if I get an early start at work?”
“Yeah sure, but remember I need it done by 8:00 pm tonight, or the paint won’t be dry in time for book club.”’
“No problem, Grandma. I won’t let you down.”
2 hours later Evan realized that he had bitten off way more than he could chew and was never going to get this done in time for Grandma and worst of all he would never get a dog. Until...
“I can help you,” said an unfamiliar voice.
“Who is there?”
"It's me, silly, your toy hippo.”
“You can talk?”
“Yes, but not just that, I can get big too.”
“Well, I really don't want to let Grandma down, Hippo. Would you paint the rest of the house for me? So I can take a break?”
“Sure! Anything for my best friend.”
After Hippo finished the paint job,  Evan jumped on his back. Realizing that the Hippo would do anything for him, Evan got greedy. First he begged Hippo for the completion of his homework, then he got Hippo to make him a sandwich because he was hungry. Next he had Hippo do the dishes because he became lazy. After, he had poor Hippo climb a tree to recover his frisbee because he became lazier, Evan didn’t even say please or thank you. Hippo became weak and asked Evan for a nap. While he slept, Evan thought about how mean he was to Hippo. Suddenly, he heard something by the door.
“Hey Evan, the shed looks great!” Grandma said walking by the window. “Good work today! Here's 5 dollars!  And about the dog...”
“No, Grandma, I can’t take your money. It wasn't me who did all the errands today, it was Hippo and after he painted, I made him do all my chores for me. I acted like a child today and maybe you are right, maybe I'm not old enough for a dog,” he cried.
“Evan, don’t be so down on yourself! You don't think I know Hippo did all the work? I was watching you all day, and this was a test. But you passed by telling me the truth, and it really does show that you’re old enough for a dog.”
“No thanks, Grandma!”  Evan smiled. “Who needs a dog when you got the worlds best toy hippo.”

      This poem is called 11 ways of looking at a shoe. It's written as if Wallace Stevens wrote it. And each numbered stanza is a different style of writing. Their based off the poem by Wallace called 11 ways of looking at a black bird. This a great descriptive writing

11 Ways of Looking at a shoe

       I.          1   Among the 3 billion in the US
Each and every person has
A pair of shoes
    II.         2   Wear them anywhere, shoes
Bring me forth the path ahead
 III.          3  The Shoes  marched in unison
Like a small stampede
 IV.       4     An aglet and an aglet are one
Together they form a bow
    V.      5      I do not know which I prefer
The beauty of a deadstock pair
Or the exquisiteness of it on my feet

 VI.         6   The non-descriptive  man took off the pair
He had the smile of a lizard
And the walk of snail
He set them to fire As if he was a wizard
VII.       7     Jordan has 6 rings
Moses wrote the 10 commandments
Jordan wore the best shoes
Moses split the red sea
VIII.   8        As you listen to your song
Your feet tap along
You dance to the beat
Like the shoes on your feet
 IX.        9    A rectangle top
A half circle toe
And the stars on the bottom
Keeps the shoe shine and glow
    X.        10    The shoes stomped louder than Zeus’s thunder
It makes you ponder
Who is really is control
 XI.       11     That  fragile glass slipper glistening  In the clocks light
As it strikes midnight Cinderella is frantic
A shoe determines the fate of the prince and princess
As they both await for one another 

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Always, Smiling in the Worst Situations

This is my 6 word memoir. I picked these words because I've always been the class clown. And i never took life to serious. I feel like some people try too hard and need a chill pill. Then again laughter is the best medicine.

In class we were asked to write a story about a memory we have with powerful women in our life. I wrote this true memoir about my aunt. It was the first time i said a bad word, something’s never change. This is one of my better memories from my childhood.


               Growing up my mom worked 2 jobs. So 1st grade through  3rd grade I’d always had to go to my aunt’s house after school. She’d pick me up in the back of the school because it was closer to the freeway.  My aunt had and has the worst road rage and I think it might be genetic.  But the rides home were always fun she would speed and sometimes she’d get in fights. She drove a little sliver car and she lived in the streets of concord. Right across from a park and there was a liquor store down the street. Her house was white with mint green accents. The inside was a light brown color. Her kitchen was huge. And there was a poster of a purple unicorn hanging in a picture frame in the living room. And it always smelt like lavender.
She’d pick me up at 2 and take my cousin and I back home. We watched TV for a little but it was hot that day. So we went outside and jumped on the trampoline. I loved to do front flips. But every time I went to do backflips I land on my face. It was getting late and hotter so we begged my aunt for a ride to the liquor store so we can buy ice cream. She said she’d take us if we bought our own ice cream. So with the quickness we checked all the usual spots for change. The couch, the kitchen drawers, and  under all the beds. We found about 3.50. Just enough for 2 bomb pops.
                   That is what we always got. Walking to my aunts in the car, we could see the sunset. It was one of the days where the sky looked pink.. When we were driving to the store she managed to get in a fight with some dude in front of us and on this two way street. She started to honk at this middle aged dude because he was driving really slowly. So my aunt decides to cut this guy off. Once she swerves in the left lane the guy decides to go faster. So we go in a race with this dude. A blue car coming the opposite was is now in sight. This was one of the only times I thought I was going to die. For some reason my aunt goes faster. So we get so close to the blue car. That I see his face it looks kind. My aunt weasels herself in front of slow jerk. Who almost killed us and without being told to I put my head out of the back seat window and flip the dude off. Simultaneously with my aunt. 

This poem is a double acrostic. Which means each sentence starts and ends with a letter. This all together spells out a word relating to the story. Kind of like a puzzle. I wrote the original earlier in the year but when I showed to my mother. She said it was a good poem but it was meaningless. So I deleted it, and all night I searched for a meaning. And I came up with zero ideas. Until an army commercial came on and then I knew I had to dedicate this to the troops.

Chris an the bomb
Chris and his Mother cried as he stepped into the giant metal aircrafT
He landed, terrified and nervous, but knew that his country and his mom needed him to be tougT
Ready to go, to walk the outskirts, in the corner of his eye he saw flashing lights and herd this ticking a noisE
In a matter of minutes he sprang into action, and single handedly saved a whole village by defusing the bomB
Soon the whole world will recognize his talents, but this village did not yet know of his good deed, and shot him dead in that ghettO
Amazed he awoke back in his home town, three months passed and he screamed and hollered for his moM
Never happier she ran in w/ kisses,as he spoke of his job with a smile she said “dad would be real proud you” then they both started to soB

                   This is my Self portrait of a tree. I wrote this after a really hard day at school/Football. I was in a dark place and till this day it is still my very Favorite poem. I love the emotion the description and all the truth behind it.

Self Portrait of a tree

on that street you walk by every now and again
Shorter than you
Skinnier than you
And almost unnoticeable
He stands alone
But has dead wood and black bands
Holding him up for support
they're his only friends and without them
He'd fall over and die
One day he'll make oranges
One day he'll be tall
But it seems like that day will never come
For what seems like forever he's just waiting to shine
With hard work he'll get big
But even work it will still take some time
All he wants is growth
To be strong
To be tall
To be big
To be scary
instead of scared
Maybe if he talks big he'll be taken that way
No matter how much talking he does
He still not big
Twice the work
half the improvements
All for nothing
No recognition

              We wrote this as a modification of the original, Goldilocks and the three bear’s story. I switched the roles, so Goldilocks is a bear and the bears are humans. I based the male characters, the "Bros", off some of my real life friends. Enjoy
Goldilocks and The Three Bros

Once upon a time, there was a little bear cub named Goldilocks.  She went for a walk in the city with no adults. She figured now that she is 3 years old she needs to find her own food. Pretty soon, she came upon a house. She knocked and, when no one answered, she walked right in.

In the kitchen, on the table, there were three bowls of cereal. Goldilocks was really hungry because of all the walking and tasted the cereal from the first bowl.
"This cereal is too soggy" she exclaimed.
So, she tasted the cereal from the second bowl.
"This cereal is too dry," she said
So, she tasted the last bowl of cereal.
"Ahh, this cereal is just right," she said and happily ate it all up.
Goldilocks was very tired, so she went upstairs to the bedroom. 
She lay down in the first bed, but it was too hard. 
Then she lay in the second bed, but it was too soft. 
When she lay down in the third bed, it was just right.  Goldilocks fell asleep.

As she was sleeping, the three bros came home.
"Someone's been eating my cereal," shrieked Junior Bro.
"Someone's been eating my cereal," Sophomore Bro said.
"Someone's been eating my cereal too, and they finished it all!" cried Freshmen Bro.
“Stop crying Freshmen Bro, someone is in our house!” squealed Sophomore Bro.
They decided to look around for the intruder and when they were walking upstairs to the bedroom, Sophomore Bro exclaimed,
“Yo bros it is probably Senior Bro visiting from college,”
“Maybe he brought girls over!” Freshmen Bro, full of hope said.
“I hope he brought Stacy over, she’s fine” Junior Bro said walking up the last stair.
Junior Bro sighed, “No one has been sleeping in my bed,"
“No one has sleeping in my bed either,” Sophomore Bro sighed.
"Someone's been sleeping in my bed and she's still there!" exclaimed Freshmen Bro.
“Oh what’s up baby?”
“What’s your name?”
Just then Freshmen Bro threw the blankets off the bed and a sleeping Goldilocks appeared.
“Awwwwwww, oh my gawd we’re all going to die there’s a real life bear in my bed,” he whispered
“I want to go home I want to go home I want to go home” Sophomore Bro squeaked out before he began to cry
“Everyone shut up, you’re going to wake it, and no one make a sound”
I’m home! And hey Junior Bro I brought Stacy over, bro she thinks you’re cute
Rawer!! Goldilocks screamed, jumped up and scratched Freshmen Bro in the face,
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!! “I’ve been hit, man down, mayday, save yourself”, Freshmen Bro shouted!
Goldilocks continued to scratch, beat and mangle the bros until she got bored and wandered out of the house, and back into the woods. Only Freshmen Bro got seriously injured because frankly Goldilocks and the rest of the world just flat out hate freshmen.